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Heritage to Health

Culinary Nutrition Program

Annual Household Income Bracket
Under $15,000
$15,000 to $24,999
$25,000 to $34,999
$35,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $74,000
$75,000 to $99,999
$100,000 to $149,999
What is Your Household Size?
1 person household
2 person household
3 person household
4 person household
5 person household
Have you been unemployed in the last 12 months?
What is your highest level of education completed?
No formal education
High school
Vocational training
Do you rent, own, or occupy?
Have you cut meal size/skipped meals because there was not enough money in the last 12 months?
Have you been able to afford to eat balanced meals in the last 12 months?
Have you received government food assistance (eg, food stamps, SNAP)?
Can you easily get to stores that sell affordable fresh vegetables and fruits?
In general, would you say your health is
Very good
Food from my culture is healthy.
How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you think health experts recommend eating everyday?
Five or more
I understand how to read and interpret the nutrition label.
Fiber can decrease the chances of gaining weight.
Not sure
Eating bread always causes weight gain.
Not sure
To eat healthy people need to cut out fat completely.
Not sure
To maintain a healthy weight people should eat a high protein diet.
Not sure
One healthy way to add flavor to food without adding extra fat or salt is to add:
Coconut milk
Soy sauce
Not sure
Which one of these foods is classified as having a high glycemic index?
Whole grain cereals
White bread
Fruits and vegetables
Not sure
Which one of these foods is more likely to raise people’s blood cholesterol?
Vegetable oils
Animal fat
Not sure
Which of these options do experts recommend to prevent diabetes?
Eating less refined foods
Drinking more fruit juice
Eating more processed meat
Not sure
Which of these fats should you limit intake of?
Saturated fat
Unsaturated fat
What foods and drinks do you think are typically high in added sugar?
What foods and drinks do you think are typically low in added sugar?
What foods and drinks do you think are typically high in salt?
What foods and drinks do you think are typically low in salt?
What foods and drinks do you think are typically high in fibre?
What foods and drinks do you think are typically low in fibre?
What foods do you think are a good source of protein?
Which of the following foods do experts count as starchy foods?
Which foods have polyunsaturated fat as the main type of fat present?
Which foods have monounsaturated fat as the main type of fat present?
Which foods have saturated fat as the main type of fat present?
Which foods have cholesterol fat as the main type of fat present?
Compared to minimally processed foods, processed foods are
Which of these apply to you?
Current smoker
Never smoked
How many times a day do you eat fruit?
I rarely eat fruit
Less than 1 time a day (a couple times a week)
1 time a day
2 times a day
3 times a day
4 or more times a day
How many times a day do you eat vegetables?
I rarely eat vegetables
Less than 1 time a day (a couple times a week)
1 time a day
2 times a day
3 times a day
4 or more times a day
How many different kinds of vegetables do you usually eat a day?
I rarely eat vegetables
1 kind a day
2 kinds a day
3 kinds a day
4 or more kinds a day
How often do you drink regular sodas (not diet)?
1-3 times a week
4-6 times a week
1 time a day
2 times a day
3 times a day
4 or more times a day
I use nutrition labels to help make the healthiest choice.
I eat lower fat dairy products.
I eat lower- or reduced-fat products.
Who usually does the cooking at home?
My partner
Family members
We do not cook at home
How often do you plan your meals before you shop for groceries?
Rarely (about 20% of the time)
Sometimes (about 40% of the time)
Often (about 60% of the time)
Usually (about 80% of the time)
How many days a week do you cook dinner (your main meal) at home?
I rarely cook dinner at home
1 day a week
2 days a week
3 days a week
4 days a week
5 days a week
6-7 days a week
I know how to make substitutions for items in a recipe.
How is your food usually prepared? (Tick all that applies)
How often do you dedicate 30 minutes per day for physical activity, such as walking, biking, or swimming?
1-2 times a week
3-4 times a week
5-6 times a week
In a typical week, how much time do you spend in total on moderate and vigorous physical activities where your heartbeat rises and you breathe faster?
Less than ½ an hour (less than 30 minutes)
½ an hour - 1 ½ hours (30-90 minutes)
1 ½ - 2 ½ hours (90-150 minutes)
2 ½ - 5 hours (150-300 minutes)
More than 5 hours (more than 300 minutes)

E.g. brisk walking, cycling as a means of transport or as exercise, heavy gardening, running or sports.

Only include activities that lasted at least 10 minutes at a time.

How much of the time that you spend on physical activities in a typical week, which you indicated above, do you spend in total on vigorous physical activities -- activities that get your heart racing, make you sweat, and make speaking difficult?
Less than ½ an hour (less than 30 minutes)
½ an hour - 1 hour (30-60 minutes)
1 - 1 ½ (60-90 minutes)
1 ½ - 2 ½ (90-150 minutes)
More than 2 ½ hours (more than 150 minutes)

E.g. swimming, running, cycling at high speeds, cardio training, weightlifting or team sports such as football.

Only include activities that lasted at least 10 minutes at a time.

I am confident that I can be healthy while eating cultural foods that I'm accustomed to.
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident do you feel about preparing and cooking new foods and recipes?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident do you feel about tasting foods that you have not eaten before?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you reading nutrition labels?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can eat only a very small amount of fried foods like fried chicken, French fries, potato chips, or other fried foods each week?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can reduce or omit fats (butter, fatty meats or oils) in cooking vegetables, beans, or frijoles?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can reduce the amount of butter and other fats or oils that you eat each day?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can select lower calorie foods at a fast food restaurant?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can reduce or omit drinking sugary drinks like Kool-Aid, colas, sugared teas and coffee, or other sugared soft drinks?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can reduce the amount of time you sit and watch TV?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can increase the number of fruits and vegetables you eat daily?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can increase time spent in physical activity while at home, given your current family responsibilities?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
How confident are you that you can substitute lower calorie foods – like fruits, vegetables, or yogurt – for high calorie snacks – like cakes, pies, or ice cream?
Not confident at all
Slightly confident
Somewhat confident
Quite confident
Extremely confident
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